My Background
For over 25 years my drive has been making the complexity of goal achievement - childishly easy. As a result of my search I’ve been honored to discover Bitsing. The World’s first scientifically validated management method that guarantees success. I know, it sounds too good to be true. And yet it is demonstrated in practice every day.
New York TV-interview: The Seven Laws of Guaranteed Growth
Don’t miss Frans de Groot discussing his book, The Seven Laws of Guaranteed Growth, and the management model he created that seamlessly helps people reach their goals on this episode of #BestSellerTV.
Organic growth is the most successful strategy for increasing turnover
In recent years many businesses have relied on cost saving programmes to preserve or improve profit. However, as more companies now approach maximum cost-reduction levels a policy shift towards increased turnover is becoming apparent. Companies such as BMW, Fiat, Tata Steel, BASF and many others are introducing programmes aimed at restoring turnover growth.
Does your organisation comply to the seven rules of guaranteed growth?
During the process of studying all BITSING-activities, a distinct group of organizations was able to hit their targets time and time again, seemingly without effort. Some amongst them grew exponentially, sometimes up to the magic level of 300%. They were all found to have 7 ‘things’ in common.